The Wonderful Wizards of Oz: Part II

Moving companies nyc prices

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we moved last month. When it was time to hire movers, I wanted to use Oz Moving & Storage because I had such a great experience with them when we moved almost 5 years ago. My husband and I had heard great things about a competitor though so we had both companies come into our home to provide moving quotes. Both moving companies were great but we ended up going with Oz. I was happy that their moving quote was over $500 less than their competitor since they were the ones that I wanted to choose anyway.

In addition to the cost advantage, there were a couple of other things that made Oz stand out. For instance, I also liked that they didn’t look inside my closets when they came to do an estimate. Rather, they just asked if I had any furniture in the closets and “guesstimated” the number of necessary boxes based on the size of each closet. The icing on the cake was that the mover also complimented me on keeping my home so orderly and contained. “He was just saying that because he wants your business,” said my (jaded) older child. While that is probably true it was still nice of him to say it!

Ironically, the competitor that we didn’t use contacted me to see if I wanted to work with them on Mom in the City before our moving date had come. I can’t say that I wasn’t tempted to save myself some money by working with them. They are a great company but it went against my conscience to recommend their service to you (my readers) when I didn’t choose it for my own family. I’m happy that I stuck with the “wonderful wizards of” Oz though because they did a great job. They are definitely my #1 referred moving company in NYC even though the movers MIGHT have laughed at me for having sticky notes where I wanted everything placed in the new apartment… ☺

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