4 Ways That I’m Saying, “Hello 2018!”

hello 2018

I took a break yesterday because NYC schools were closed due to the winter storm. My husband (a teacher) and my kids were so happy to hear of the closing on Wednesday night.  They were dancing around excitedly -acting like they didn’t JUST have 6 days off. 

Anyway, they are back to school so I’m back to work. I’m excited about 2018. While it’s fun to reflect on the previous year, I get most excited about making plans for the upcoming year. Each year, my planning style changes a bit based on the latest research and techniques that I have learned.  That’s why I want to share the 4 ways (planning-wise) that I’m saying “Hello 2018!”…

1. I have sat down and written my goals for 2018 but I only share my specific goals with a trusted few. Research indicates that broadcasting your goals kind of tricks your brain into thinking that you have already accomplished them. (Should You Tell People About Your Goals? | psychology24.org is a good post on the topic.) I will share with you what I’m moving towards though:

Faith: My husband and I currently help out with the campus ministry at our church. I also want to help out with the Youth and Family ministry since that is where our sons are.

Fitness: Since I’ll be 45 this year, I want to be in the best shape of my 40s.

Mainly, I just want my family and friends to keep being awesome. We’re hitting the teen years with our oldest son so I do want to read some more books in order to have realistic expectations. (Prayer, advice from seasoned moms and reading books helped me to enjoy the toddler years so I’m hoping that cocktail will continue to work!) Please let me know if you have any good book recommendations regarding teen boys.

 My hope is to have “more than enough” so that I can donate more to my favorite charities and needs of loved ones when they arise.

Fun: Living in NYC is fun enough for me, but I do want to travel more with the family this year.

2. I have fewer BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals). Each year, I usually accomplish 8 or 9 out of 10 goals that I set. This year, I’m only doing 5 major ones with the hopes of going 5 out of 5. Two of my favorite books, The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results and Essentialism:The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, help me to focus.

3. I’m focused on more activity based (performance) goals rather than outcome based goals this year. For instance, instead of saying, “I will lose x pounds, I’m saying, “I will eat high fiber, low carb meals 90% of the time.” I forgot which podcast that I heard about this shift in mindset, but I find it helpful.

4. I loosely plan 3 years out and then 1 year out in order to be clear on what I’m moving towards. However, I only focus on the next 90 days. Life changes so quickly (especially now that I’m part of the “sandwich generation”) so 3-month plans just seem more realistic to me.  I originally learned this shift in planning from high-performance coach Todd Herman’s teachings. Co-founder of Amazing.com Matt Clark recently did a really great training using a similar focus. You can see his system below:

I hope that these four tips are helpful for you too. While it’s great to plan/set goals/etc., it’s equally important to remember that “life happens”. That’s why, at the top of my goals, I write “GOD-WILLING”.

James 4 13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

(Having said that, I hope that all of your good goals/ resolutions/ plans/ dreams come true in 2018!)