The 5 Best Podcast Episodes of the Last Year (In My Opinion)

My podcast app uses up so much memory on my phone that I recently went through and deleted the podcasts that I don’t listen to on a regular basis anymore. I still have over 40 left though! As I was sifting through the various shows, memories of the various episodes that have transformed my life in some way jumped out. I want to share the top five in case you want to listen to them. In alphabetical order…

The 5 Best Podcast Episodes of the Last Year

1. Achieve Your Goals With Hal Elrod: In episode 201, Hal Elrod and Jon Berghoff shared each of their top three strategies for helping listeners achieve their goals in 2018. Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM), has been through a lot in his life – including a battle with cancer last year. He still manages to be one of the most positive people online. I used his “5-minute” philosophy on one of my sons after hearing this episode. Basically, he gives himself 5 minutes to sulk about things that can’t be changed before forcing himself to move on. Meanwhile, I also love Jon Berghoff’s “You MUST have it all” mindset that he shared.

2. Brilliant Business Moms with Beth Anne Schwamberger: The host brings a light, happy tone to the show overall. My favorite show was episode 171 when she interviews Jamie Clinard, who owns a t-shirt shop, Saturday Morning Pancakes. Jamie shared how she has used Facebook and Instagram ads to grow her business from being a hobby to a 7-figure in sales one. Since my family’s Our Family Tees t-shirt project started off as a fun, family hobby to teach our sons about entrepreneurship, it’s inspiring to see what lies within the realm of possibility if we go “all-in” with it.

3. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield: In episode 171 (DIYing Your Business: 5 Areas to Focus On When You’re Just Starting Out), Amy mentioned that a professional web designer or developer isn’t always necessary during the first year of business. I have been developing websites for bloggers and small business owners for the last few years and I agree. This episode is one of the reasons that I’m creating a DIY Website Creation course this quarter. If (a person who was deathly afraid of touching the backend of my website for almost a decade) can grow to design and develop websites for myself and others, almost anyone can learn to do so for themselves!

4. Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington: This is one of my favorite new podcasts overall.  I love how Ms. Washigton focuses on various aspects of wealth – including (but not exclusively) money. The October 26th episode (Sheri Riley: The Value of Being Present) was my favorite because Ms. Riley said something that helped me with my thinking:

Relationships are not about being equal, it’s about being reciprocal.

I have great expectations when it comes to interpersonal relationships of all types so it was good to be reminded to extend grace to others (or myself!) when needed as long as some effort is being made.

5. The ONE Thing Podcast: I really appreciate this podcast which is based on the book The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. I especially like the episodes when the host Geoff Woods interviews business people who are really great at implementing the philosophy.  Episode 3 with Chris Heller, co-CEO of Keller Williams, was about habit and discipline. It is my favorite. Since I’m self-employed and I make my own schedule, a couple of things that he said about discipline and focus really resonated with me:

They (his team) either control it (calendars) or it controls them. I rather control than be controlled.

My job was to follow my schedule.

These simple (yet profound) statements caused me to start being even more careful about actually doing what I had planned on my calendar. I listened to this episode last January and I truly believe that discipline is what allowed me to complete a few things that had been on my “to-do” list for years (including complete my soul food eBook).

If you listen to podcasts too, please share your favorite episodes so that I can listen to them. Thanks!