Black History Month Celebration: HipHop Dance

Flushing Town Hall

Monday was such a fun day. I spent several hours chaperoning one of Michael’s class trips. I must say that I really enjoy being able to go on trips with his different classes each year. It helps me to put faces to the names of all the little kids that he mentions in conversations. It also helps me to see various interactions – between the teacher and the kids as well as how the kids treat each other. To date, I have been very happy with Michael’s teachers and the way that he gets along with his classmates. This year was no exception. Michael’s teacher is so good with the kids. I could tell that we share similar philosophies in regards to kids…there’s a time for them to talk, play and be a bit crazy, but then there’s a time for them to be quiet, listen and follow instructions. I really was impressed by how well she handled all of the students. (My two take up so much of my energy!)

Anyway, the kids went to a Black History Month Celebration at Flushing Town Hall. They went to see Illstyle & Peace Productions: “Becoming Your Dreams”, which was basically a performance piece on the history of hip hop. I think that I enjoyed it as much as (if not more than) the kids did! They shared about popping, locking and breaking dance styles. While the kids were interested to hear and see the old styles, they seemed to take special note when the troupe shared the effects of the various styles on more modern dance styles. I learned a lot myself! For instance, I had no idea that a lot of Michael Jackson’s moves came from the popping dance style. In fact, one of Michael Jackson’s dance teachers, Bruno “Pop N Taco” Falcon, was a famous popper. What we know as MJ’s moonwalk was simply known as the backslide or glide when the poppers did it. You can get an idea of what we experienced from this old YouTube video of the dance company. (They have become even better over time…)

The dance company asked some students and teachers to join them on stage at the end of the show. I was sitting minding my own business when Michael’s teacher sent one of the students to ask me if I would go onstage. Of course, I said “No”. Actually, that’s just what Michael wished that I had said! I went up there, convinced one of the dancers to stand by me and be my dance partner…and went for it. It was so much fun! After the show was over, my dance partner and Michael’s little friends were so cute and encouraging. Not Michael. “You embarrassed me!” he wailed. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again.” Oh, well…

In any event, my only regret is that I missed the public performance of this interactive art workshop. Sean would have loved it because that little boy wakes up dancing! The presenting dance company is Philadelphia-based, but I see on their performance calendar that they will be back in NYC in July. I’ll have to make a special effort to see them when they return.  The next time I won’t take Michael…just in case the opportunity to pop, lock, and/or hip bump arises again 🙂 !

Do you do anything special to celebrate Black History Month? If so, I’d love to hear of any local family-friendly suggestions. Thanks!