Children’s Picture Books

Below are a few that we’ve read lately…

I’d Like the Goo-Gen-Heim by A. C. Hollingsworth
The Guggenheim Museum recently released this children’s book. (Actually, it is a reprint of the 1970 book by the late A. C. Hollingsworth an artist and teacher.) The hardcover picture book is about a kid’s trip to the Guggenheim Museum. While visiting the city, Andy’s father falls asleep in Central Park (bad dad!). Following his balloon, Andy ends up in the Guggenheim (the Goo-Gen-Heim). While there, he enjoys the architecture of the museum as well as the various works of art. This book is the first part of the new GuggenheimKids product line that will be launched in May.

-Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy by David Soman and Jacky Davis

I wasn’t familiar with the imaginative Ladybug Girl (Lulu). In this book, Lulu plays at her favorite playground with her friend Sam (Bumblebee Boy). Initially, they can’t agree on what to play together until they decide to play superheroes. After, they go around the park coming up with scenarios where they need to work together in order to save others (Lulu’s dog, the playground “and probably the whole town”.)

-llama llama misses mama by Anna Dewdney

The bestselling “llama llama” line of books is already popular at our home. This new title is no exception. In it, Llama starts school. Llama is shy, lonely and sad. He misses Mama Llama. After learning and playing various things with his teacher and new friends, Llama learns that he loves both his mama and school. (This book would be especially great for kids starting new schools or activities.)