Sometimes the best action is inaction

This month, I am participating in #Reverb10 when I can. Personally, I am taking it as a chance to reflect on the past year and to make plans/prayers for the next year.

December 13 Action.
When it comes to aspirations, its not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?
(Author: Making Ideas HappenScott Belsky)

It has been said that the richest place on earth is the cemetery because it is where people take their dreams that were never put into action. I heard that saying when I was really young (I always loved eavesdropping on older folks!) and I remember making a conscious decision that I would never live a “would have/could have/should have” type of life. So far, I haven’t. Whenever there has been something pressing on my heart, I went for it. That’s not to say that everything always worked out the way that I would have liked (that’s life!), but at least I have tried.

My husband and I were talking about this topic earlier today. We work with a lot of different groups of people at work and in various areas of our personal lives. Sometimes, people are in “idea mode”. They have a ton of ideas and many of them are great. However, when it’s time to make the ideas a reality, things can come to a standstill. Ideas are great, but (almost) anyone can come up with an idea. That is why people who take action/execute ideas stand out!

So, I thought, “What are my current dreams and aspirations?” Honestly, I’m sort of in a nesting mode right now. I want to be at home and with my family and loved ones as much as possible. Maybe it’s because the kids are growing up so fast/Sean will be starting pre-k next year. The next thing that I know, the boys will be off to college! I know, slow down Kim :-)…

In keeping with my current desires, my “next step” is to minimize or eliminate things that are not home, health or loved-one centered for now. (I have no idea when my dreams will change. My desires don’t run on a set schedule.) I have other business and blog ideas percolating in my mind, but for now they will have to stay on the back burner. In fact, there are two other niche blogs that I would love to start…just not right now. Sometimes the best action is inaction!

Do you have any ideas that you need to take action in order to make happen? If so, what is your next step?