What I Learned This Week: Resting is Good

Lately, I’ve been thinking that you can take a woman out of the finance field, but you can’t take the finance field out of the women. Why? Well, when I worked in finance, we always went over companies’ quarterly reports. I still carry that with me, because every 3 months, I evaluate how the last 3 months of my life have been going. Then, I make adjustments to my yearly goals accordingly. Finally, I make goals for the next three months. It sounds a little crazy, but it really is helpful…so much so that I even have my husband “into” it – albeit at a much lesser degree.

The first three months of 2009 has been great. Life is good. I’ve had to adjust some goals (primarily due to scheduling) but overall things have been going beyond my greatest expectations (i.e. being able to blog for Disney’s Dreamers Academy). Of course, there have also been a few challenges. For instance, Disney Online is buying all of the Internet assets of Kaboose (the owners of my paying job). This could be great (even more opportunities!) or not so great (as in I’m fired from my wonderful, well-paying, work-from home job of three years) news. Time will tell. I think because my days have been so full, I’m really learning to take everything day by day. That leads me to the #1 lesson that I have learned (so far) this year: I need to make time to rest from all of my work on a consistent basis.

Although I don’t write about it a lot (because I personally think religion is best shared person to person), I am a Christian. Since last week, I’ve been studying out the term “day” in the Bible, because I was starting to feel like there wasn’t enough time in each day to get everything that I wanted/needed accomplished. I’ve only gotten up through Genesis 2, but it has been helpful. It’s really made me think about what I’m trying to create/ accomplish. If it’s good, then it’s worth the effort. If not, then I probably don’t need to be doing it! (I was surprised by how many things that I could cut out of my day and still accomplish what I need to…) At the end of last week’s study, I came to the part about the seventh day of creation. God had finished His work, so he rested. That’s my new goal: to finish all of my work in six days and rest one day of the week. Of course, that’s going to take some “tweaking of my schedule”. However, I reason that if God can take a break one day a week without everything falling apart, then surely I can too! Right?

In any event, what have you learned so far about yourself this year?

(To see what others around the web are learning, visit the “What I Learned This Week” carnival.)