Survey Says! (Mom in the City Reader Survey Results)

Survey Says! (Mom in the City Reader Survey Results)

To help plan for 2021, I asked Mom in the City readers to fill out a short, 3-question survey. Thank you to everyone who was able to take the time to do so and congratulations to the three survey giveaway winners who have been notified. I want to share some of the common themes that occurred since the input will guide my 2021 posts.

1. What do you like the most about Mom in the City?

Recipes were the main thing. Next, was family activities and parenting advice. The rest was a mix.

2. What do you like the least about Mom in the City?

Most said “nothing”. (You all are too sweet!) I did get some constructive criticism though.

For instance, I learned that I have 2 distinct types of readers – those who are only here for the recipes and those who like most of the content/are at the same life stage as I am. As one reader said, “My kids are grown.” That’s helpful to know so that I can segment my newsletter lists to include one “food-only” group. I will have that in place by the end of this month.


Other comments mentioned wanting more reviews. I don’t do a lot of stand-alone review posts anymore but I will include more reviews around gift guides.

One other comment that stood out was the desire for more self-interest pieces. I “get” that. Self-care is something that I believe in and practice on a regular basis. I’ll write more about it.

3. Please share any specific blog post suggestions or questions that you would like to have answered on Mom in the City in 2021,

There were 4 main themes:

1. Virtual learning help: Many of the submitted questions were answered in my limited edition “Remote Schooling Moms” expert interview series at the end of last year. I realize that many moms were busy figuring the new reality out for themselves and may have missed the posts.

To help, I am putting the series of expert interviews into a FREE eBook. My goal is to have it completed by next week. Stay tuned…

Remote Schooling Moms - Expert advice for successful distance learning

2. More recipes

3. More holiday gift ideas: I’m on it. Valentine’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day gift ideas are already included in my first quarter content calendar planner.

4. NYC Mom Stories: If you are an NYC mom, I will need your help for this one. The thing that I appreciate about motherhood is that there are ties that bond – across cultures and even continents. Since there are Mom in the City readers all around the world, I love the idea of different NYC moms answering this question.

I’m curious what life is really like in NY in light of 2020, we get this “horror show” narrative from the media…and politicians, but that seems off…but it can’t be all sunshine and unicorns either. How are families navigating all of this…the rhetoric and the politics and the economy and the pandemic and…all of it?

I would have loved to meet up with different NYC moms monthly to talk about their reality. That’s not feasible at the moment though. If you would be interested in answering this question (in writing, audio or video), please let me know.

Since we won’t be actually meeting for coffee, I’ll send selected participants a $10 Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts gift card as a “thank you”. (As an alternative, I can also send $10 if you want to support your local coffee shop business instead.) If you’re an NYC mom who would be interested in sharing your perspective, please send me an email ([email protected]).

I found the reader survey to be helpful and I’m excited to implement some of the suggestions. If you ever have any other post suggestions or constructive criticism, please let me know. I welcome your input. Thank you!

(P.S. One survey responder asked about how to keep kids interested and attentive while learning virtually. The Keeping Kids Engaged in Remote Learning post from Child Mind Institute has some helpful advice on the topic.)