Always Protect Like a Mother

lysol's protect like a mother

I have always been a protective person. My personality type is “ESTJ: The Guardian”. However, motherhood raised the stakes. I care so much about my sons that I will do anything (that doesn’t go against my faith) to guard them against unnecessary harm. I definitely find the old saying, “a mother is only as happy as her saddest child” to be true! That is why I am happy to be working with Lysol on the “Protect Like A Mother” campaign which celebrates a mom’s natural protective instinct. 

As I wandered around the outdoor pop-up museum exhibit earlier today, I wondered which animal’s protective style most closely matched mine. I had narrowed it down to the bear and the lioness. Then, I saw the human mother. Ding. Ding. Ding. I had a winner. Like many other moms, the safety and well-being of my children are top priorities. 

(In case you missed my Instagram Story on the event…)

If you are like me, you might be wondering why Lysol would sponsor such an exhibit. Well…one way that parents protect their kids is by preventing the spread of harmful germs in the home. That is where Lysol comes in. I buy Lysol products for my kids to take to school and I buy Lysol products for my home. At home, I primarily use Lysol wipes to keep the boys’ bathroom clean. Moms of boys know that they “miss” the toilet on occasion so the wipes are a staple there! They kill 99.9% of germs…and I’ll take my chances on the other .1%. 🙂 

In any event, if you can swing by the Brooklyn Bridge Plaza tomorrow, check out the FREE “Protect Like A Mother” outdoor exhibit. The little kids who were there today had a blast. They colored, took pictures with the animal sculptures, ran around playing in the bubbles and more. The details are below:

protect like a mother lysol exhibit