I Don’t Watch Much TV Anymore

I wonder – Does the amount of adult television that moms watch decrease based on the amount of kids they have? It has in my case. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just something that I recently noticed.

When my husband and I didn’t have any kids, we had several shows that we enjoyed watching together. After having our first son, there was less, but still a few. Now that we have two sons, neither of us watches a lot of television. The only show that we watch together consistently is “Heroes”. He watches sports, “Hell’s Kitchen” and “Lost” consistently. “Desperate Housewives” is the only other show that I watch consistently. (I don’t even watch “The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch” – rather, its background while I’m doing my work.)

In theory, I’m looking for more adult shows to watch. (I see TV as “brain candy” – as long as I don’t view too much, it’s good for me.) I’m open to suggestions. I primarily like comedies (life is dramatic enough!).

One show that a friend recently recommended is “The Bill Engvall Show” which premieres tonight on TBS. It’s about a family counselor who has trouble figuring out his own family. I like the premise, so I’m going to check it out. (Personally, I find it funny when people consider themselves “experts” when it comes to parenting, because parenting is so unpredictable!).

I’ll let you know if I come across any more shows that I feel are worth my (mommy with two kids) time.