If you could go back to being 20…

Fark.com ran in interesting survey.  You can take it here.

The survey question is: "If you could go back to being 20, what characteristic or belief would you instill in yourself to make your life better?"

Wow, for me 20 was almost 15 years ago.  I was a sophomore at Columbia thinking that the world was mine’s.   

Looking back, I wish that I could have made myself grasp the concept of "making the most of every opportunity".  I look back and see so many connections/relationships that I could have built/maintained that would have helped me in a variety of ways later in life (i.e. I didn’t follow up on calls from Spike Lee’s production company regarding a pitch that I had sent them; I didn’t follow up regarding working for Dustin Hoffman’s office after being his babysitter for a short time, etc., etc. – DUH!).  I also see many experiences that I chose not to participate in (primarily travel, which is much easier to do before you "settle down" and have multiple kids).

Then again, who knows?  Perhaps if I had made the most of every opportunity then I would have missed out on the life I have now, which would be a tragedy.  Remembering my 20 years old self, I probably wouldn’t have listened to the (almost) 35 years old me anyway.  (Isn’t it funny how when you’re 20, the 30s seem so old?!)