Is The NYC Pre-K System Faulty?

Of course it is. For one thing, you know that there’s an issue when you have to start planning for pre-k (at least) a year in advance. Although I’ve been in NYC almost half of my life, some things (like the schools) are still a shock to my system. (My point of reference: I grew up in an area of Virginia where almost everyone went to public schools. The schools were safe, diverse and everyone had a chance at a solid education.)

Anyway, there was an article in The New York Times called Pre-K System Faulted as Confusing to Parents. It talks about how a new application process that had been implemented to simplify pre-kindergarten enrollment has did more harm than good leaving many parents of potential public school students wondering where their kids will be going to school this coming fall. I’m just happy that I was able to find a great program for my oldest son. (Granted, I think that it’s easier/less competitive to get your child in a 2 1/2 hours a day program – like the one that my son will be attending-rather than a full day one.)