Congrats to the winner: Christina

In the past, I have mentioned how much my family loves Sid the Science Kid on these posts. Last week, I was asked to review and give away one of the first ever TALKIN’ SID THE SCIENCE KID plush dolls. Although my holiday giveaways were booked, I agreed.

We received the Sid doll yesterday. You should have seen my kids’ faces when I opened the delivery box. “Sid!” Sean screamed. “I want him…please!” I must say that my kids have been troopers about these holiday giveaways. They have helped me come up with lists and have seen me write about fun toys almost every day. I let them know from the start that all of the toys were going to be given away this year and that they would not be able to keep any of them. To my pleasant surprise, they were totally fine with it…except for when it came to Sid. (Then again, I had everything else shipped directly to the winners. It would have been a little cruel to let my kids see so many great toys that they would not be able to play with or keep!)

Feature Plush (2)

“I love him!” Sean declared as he squeezed Sid. Michael was a bit cooler. “Can we keep him or not?” he asked matter of factly. They were both excited when I said, “Yes”. There’s really not much to write. If your kids love Sid, they will love this doll. He is soft and he says 7 different phrases. The doll also comes with a DVD of one of the show episodes. The best endorsement: Sean will not let Sid go. He is sleeping with his Sid doll as I type this post. Since it was near bedtime, I snapped their shadows together:

shadow2 (2)shadow1

To win the TALKIN’ SID THE SCIENCE KID for your little one, please send me a direct message telling me your favorite Sid the Science Kid character at by midnight tonight. Good luck!

I also have an exclusive offer to share with all of you. You can get a $3.00 off coupon for purchase of the TALKIN’ SID THE SCIENCE KID plush at Toys ‘R Us by printing an online coupon at (Once you are there, click on the “Toy and Game” link on the left hand side of the page.)

Thanks to the producers of the Sid the Science Kid series, The Jim Henson Company and KCET (PBS/Los Angeles) for the review and giveaway dolls.