Checking In…

Today’s post is going to be brief because my day is very full. Sean was chosen to be a part of his school’s ballroom dancing team. Tonight, they are performing in a team competition against other schools so the family is going to see him perform after school today. (He is doing the swing dance. I can hardly wait!) Right after that, we are going to attend an open house for the students who were accepted to Townsend Harris High School since we decided that Michael will be attending Townsend Harris next year. (I’ll write a post about how we make major life decisions as a family later this week.) Lastly, I need to finish up a website redesign for one of my favorite design clients.

checking in

That’s it for today. I’m off to find some red roses! Last week, Sean said to me (about his upcoming performance), “You’re going to be so proud of me. Bring roses to throw on the stage after our performance. Seriously. Only throw them if we win though. Throw them in the trash if we lose. I’m not joking.” Our family has a weird sense of humor so I know that he was joking but the joke is on him. I am going to get some red roses to bring for him tonight – whether his team wins or loses! 🙂