So That My Husband Will Come Home…

I have had some form or the other of the following conversation with various people…

Me: I have to go. I need to clean the house because Reggie (my husband) is on the way home.

Them: Why?

Me: I like for the house to look orderly when he comes home.

Them: Why? That seems a little stereotypical 50s housewifey. Reggie is cool. He knows that you have a lot going on.

Me: Believe me…it has nothing to do with being a stereotypical housewife.

I only straighten my house completely two times a day: one – before Reggie comes home and two – after everyone is in bed so that I can at least wake up to a clutter-free home. (The third time would only be if friends or family are coming over – which happens quite a lot). As far as straightening up before Reggie comes home (he always calls to let me know that he is on his way), my final answer: I straighten up so that he will come home! Sometimes a visual helps. The following video was taken a couple of months ago when Sean was going through an especially messy stage. Fortunately, that phase has passed. Now the “Before” mess is about half of what you will see on the video. Enjoy my chaos!

Tell me that I’m not the only one who straightens up before my significant other comes home…or I’ll cry (not really).