Tackle It Tuesday: Picture for Holiday Cards

Last year after taking the photo for our holiday cards, I made a mental note that I should stick with a professional photographer in the future. I guess that I’m a glutton for punishment though, because for some reason, I thought that it would be easier to take the boys’ picture for our holiday card this year. “They’re older/better able to take direction,” I (erroneously) reasoned.

So, on Saturday evening my husband and I “tackled” the holiday picture. We dressed the boys in their new, cute Coco Bonbons outfits and we were all set. Or so, we thought. I think that the boys must have drunk some “silly juice” right before the shoot. Michael kept making faces. Sean kept running away. Then, they started laughing and wrestling each other. My husband was trying to act like he was a photographer – using the camera to try to get a good shot. (He didn’t get one.) Meanwhile, I went the Flip route. Even though the resolution of Flip “photos from video” isn’t as great as shots from a regular camera, I reasoned that I would at least get one good frame in the midst of the madness. I did! It took many different shots to get one though.

We took:
-horizontal shots / vertical shots
-shots in front of / to the left of / to the right of the Christmas tree
-shots of the kids leaning against the sofa with their backs to the tree

Here are a couple of the outtakes:

(Suffice it to say, we won’t be trading in our “day jobs” in order to become children’s photographers!)

At the end of the day, we were able to get one (that’s all that we needed!) picture that we liked enough to use.

(I even like the “vintage” feel of the picture due to it being from the Flip camcorder.)

Happy Holidays!

(To see what other moms around the web are “tackling” today visit Tackle it Tuesday).