The First Day of School (We Both Teared Up For VERY Different Reasons)

So the big day has come and gone. Michael is officially a prekindergarten student!

On Wednesday, we went to a special “Mommy/Michael” lunch that we had planned since last week. I asked him where he wanted to go to lunch, since it was “his day”. I was expecting “McDonalds” because he’s a happy meal fan. To my surprise, he said “Starbucks. I’ve been thinking about it and that’s what I want.” He’s such a little city boy – he already has a favorite Starbucks sandwich (the chicken tarragon one)!

Lunch at Starbucks
Lunch at Starbucks

Thursday was the big day – the first day of school. I felt like I was a kid again – so much nervous excitement. School didn’t start until 1:30, but Michael woke up early (around 5:30am) because he was so excited. We managed to put him back to sleep for a little bit but as soon as he woke up, he was ready to go to school! He wore his (huge) backpack practically all morning and was so happy when it was finally time to get ready for school. (I put new lightweight fall outfits on him and Sean. I should have accounted for the weather though – their clothes were too hot for the weather! Thank goodness Michael’s preschool was a cool temperature…)

I\'m Going Too!
I'm Going Too!

I\'m Ready for School NOW!
I'm Ready for School NOW!

So, we caught the train down. Michael kept asking, “How many more stops?” until we finally arrived. Once we went inside, a little boy in Michael’s class said, “Hi, what’s your name?” (He is now one of Michael’s new “best friends”.) After speaking with that little boy, Michael went up to another little boy in the class and said, “Hi, I’m Michael. What’s your name?” I took a breath of relief…my little social boy was going to be just fine! After taking a few pictures and filling out a few forms, it was time for me to leave. I said my good-bye. (Michael barely acknowledged my leaving. He was too busy eating a snack with his new friends who were intrigued/playing with his little Spiderman lunch box.)

Would You Please Stop Taking My Picture?
Would You Please Stop Taking My Picture?
Can I PLEASE Go to Class Now?!
Can I PLEASE Go to Class Now?!

On my way out, I teared up a bit…”My baby! My baby!” I think the fact that Sean was with me helped a lot… I still have one little munchkin that needs his mommy!

Fast forward to pick-up time: I go to pick up Michael hoping that he has had a great day. I arrive during play time. The kids were in the indoor playroom running around, playing on the slides, etc. Michael did not even acknowledge my existence for about five minutes, because he didn’t want to stop playing and leave. Finally, I was like, “Michael, it’s time to go.” He started to tear up BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT TO GO and I had to talk him down before he had a meltdown. (Excuse me?!) There was a twinge of sadness… he wanted to stay with “B” (his new best friend) rather than going home with me (boohoo!)…the separation begins…

Overall though, the day was great. I’m really happy that he loves his little school and that he’s making new friends. My little boy is growing up as he should.