Update on ’08 Goals

On December 31st of 2007, I wrote a post called “I Resolve to Make My Own Goals in 2008”. In it, I laid out two of my major goals for 2008. They were the following:

1. “So, that’s one of my inner motivated goals for 2008 – to be at my pre-baby “fighting weight” before I turn 35 on May 21st.” I did reach my pre-baby weight and stayed at (or below!) it for the most part all year. Mainly, that was due to exercise though. (I love the Wii active games, Tae-bo, etc.) This year, I want to focus on the nutrition/food aspect of health. Now, it’s about being my best physically – not reaching a number on the scale.


2. “I will learn to drive.” Well, I did start learning to drive. I still have more to learn (how to make a three-point turn, highway driving, etc.). My 2009 goal is to get comfortable driving and to get my driver’s license by May 21st (my birthday and the day that my learner’s permit expires!).

So…how did you do with your goals/resolutions/whatever you call it for 2008?